A severely decayed or infected tooth is often painful and can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. At the first sign of a toothache or swelling, call Phuong Le, DMD, at Le Dentistry & Associates. The dental team completes root canals on short notice to ease your pain and save a damaged tooth from extraction. Call the Norcross, Georgia, office today or book an appointment online.
request an appointmentWhat is a root canal?
Root canals are tiny passageways located on the inside of your teeth. Each tooth often contains one to four root canals. When a tooth is damaged, decayed, or infected, it can become loose or fall out.
Your dentist performs a root canal to remove the damaged part of the tooth’s pulp (the inside of the tooth that contains nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels), cleans it out, and seals it shut to prevent further decay.
Do I need a root canal?
Many times you’ll notice signs and symptoms of a severely decayed or infected tooth. If you experience the following, call Le Dentistry & Associates to find out if you require a root canal:
- A toothache
- Facial swelling
- A hole in your tooth
- Swelling of the gums
- Heat or cold sensitivity
- A tooth injury
- A cracked or fractured tooth
- Pockets of pus
After an exam and X-rays, your dentist lets you know if a root canal or another dental restoration procedure best matches your needs.
What should I expect during treatment?
A root canal may require one to three visits to complete. Your provider first drills a small hole at the top of your tooth into the inner chamber and removes the diseased tissue.
The dental team at Le Dentistry & Associates cleans and disinfects the hollowed out area and reshapes the tiny canals.
Your dentist fills the clean chamber with rubber-like materials and medication to prevent infection and seals it with a temporary or permanent filling. They may place a permanent filling or crown on your restored tooth during a subsequent appointment.
What happens after a root canal?
After your root canal is complete, your tooth might feel sensitive for several days. Take antibiotics as needed for a severe tooth infection.
Follow aftercare instructions, and schedule follow-up visits based on your dentist’s recommendations. Your root canal can last a lifetime with proper care. For example:
- Attend regular dental exams and cleanings
- Brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste
- Floss every day
- Don’t chew on hard objects
Root canal treatment has high success rates and often saves decayed teeth from extraction. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call Le Dentistry & Associates at the first sign of tooth decay, or schedule an appointment online today.
Le Dentistry & Associates is located at 3985 Steve Reynolds Blvd, Building O, Suite 101 in Norcross, GA.