Le Dentistry offers teeth whitening, and we think there’s no better way to improve your smile quickly. Dr. Phuong Le and Dr. Uyen Hoang are both skilled at making sure your smile is the brightest reflection of your personality that it can be.

You’re not going to get the same excellent results at home that you can with a professional whitening. The powerful whiteners used in our office are not safe for home use. But, once you’ve got the bright, beautiful smile you wanted, there are several things you can do to maintain it.

All of the issues that dulled your pearly white teeth to begin with still exist, and will cause the same discoloration problems you had before. You can prolong the effects of your professional teeth whitening with some attention to detail at home. Here’s how to extend the results of your dental office teeth whitening session.

Follow a careful dental hygiene routine

Although we’re always happy to see you at Le Dentistry, you can’t only count on us to keep your teeth bright and healthy. Regular dental visits are important, but not a substitute for daily care.

Brush your teeth at least twice and day, and floss at least once. This is the foundation of good dental hygiene, and the first important step in maintaining your newly brightened smile. Skip the daily care and you’ll see the plaque building up and your teeth losing their luster all too quickly.

No tobacco

Smoking or chewing tobacco is a quick way to ruin a professional whitening. Tobacco products stain your teeth yellow and brown — not to mention all the negative health effects of tobacco use. Tobacco is linked to bad breath, oral cancer, and a whole slew of physical health issues.

If you’re motivated to give up tobacco by a bright white smile, all the wonderful health benefits will feel like an extra bonus.

Pay attention to your foods and beverages

Blueberries are much better for your health than tobacco, but sadly, they are not great for keeping your teeth whitened. Red wine, coffee, tea, and cola are also culprits when it comes to staining teeth.

You don’t need to give up all your favorite foods, though. Since you’re aware of the fact they can stain your teeth, you can drink extra water to help, and you can brush your teeth after a meal.

Talk to your dentist about home maintenance

Dr. Le and Dr. Hoang suggest specific products to maintain your whitened teeth at home. They may also recommend that you come in at regular intervals for touch-ups. Your teeth are unique, and their recommendations are always based on your individual needs.

If you’d like to learn more about the options you have for whiter, brighter teeth, book an appointment at Le Dentistry. We’re happy to discuss the process, as well as what you can expect afterward. Schedule your appointment today by calling us at 678-252-9881.

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