Do you have your wisdom teeth? Should you? The answer to whether you should or shouldn’t keep your wisdom teeth depends on several factors.

Dr. Phuong Le and Dr. Uyen Hoang at Le Dentistry and Associates determine whether or not you need to have your wisdom teeth removed based on your particular circumstances. It’s not a one-size-fits-all procedure.

In this post, we explain everything you need to know about wisdom teeth, and how you can know when it’s time to let them go.

What’s the problem with wisdom teeth?

When your wisdom teeth, or third molars, begin to come in, your mouth can become crowded. If there’s not enough room, your wisdom teeth may not be able to erupt through your gums. When this happens you can get impacted teeth and your risk of dental problems rises.

Even if your wisdom teeth do erupt, they can still cause problems. If your mouth is crowded, your wisdom teeth can shove your other teeth out of alignment, or the molars can grow in the wrong direction. Either of these options is bad and can lead to infection, cysts, or other issues.

Worse, you may not even notice there’s a problem. Your wisdom teeth aren’t easy to see or clean. That means tooth decay can reach all the way to the roots of your teeth. When that happens, it’s more difficult to correct.

The experts at Le Dentistry and Associates don’t want you to experience complications. We evaluate your overall dental health and monitor your wisdom teeth during your regular visits. Through this monitoring we can decide if and when your wisdom teeth may need to be removed.

In some cases, the best decision is to have your wisdom teeth removed before they have fully formed roots. They can lead to a less complicated surgery and quicker recovery.

The following signs are important to note:

  • Redness or swelling in your gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Pain in your jaw
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • A bad taste in your mouth for no reason
  • Chronic bad breath

Is it ever good to keep your wisdom teeth?

Sometimes it’s a good decision to keep your wisdom teeth. Your molars may fully erupt and function perfectly without disrupting your other teeth. The only way to know is to have a full exam.

Our dentists examine your teeth and look for both current problems and potential issues you may have in the future because of your wisdom teeth. In the following situations, the best bet may be keeping your wisdom teeth:

  • Have fully erupted
  • They are in the correct position
  • Don’t interfere with your bite
  • Are healthy
  • Can be cleaned daily

If Dr. Le or Dr. Huang suggests leaving your wisdom teeth, they continue to monitor them during your regular checkups and with X-rays so they can spot any problems before they emerge.

Want to know more?

The best way to find out whether you should be concerned about your wisdom teeth is to have a comprehensive oral exam. Our knowledgeable dental experts can explain whether you have anything to worry about, why, and what your options are.

Book an appointment at Le Dentistry today. You can use our convenient online booking tool to schedule an appointment securely, or you can call us and we’ll be happy to make your appointment.

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